Wingman [Woman] Page 15

“Yeah.” He yawns, also sitting up. “Remind me to get you a new mattress. This one sucks.”

“It does not suck!”

He reaches over and takes a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting it. “It sucks.”

“You’re going to kill us both with this smoking,” I say when he pushes it my way.

“Say no then, babe. Ain’t stoppin’ you.”

I take a pull then hand it back to him and throw my legs over the side of the bed. “Do I get the day off?”

“Mmmmm,” he murmurs. “I’m good for a few days.”

“Good. I need to see Autumn.”

His phone chirps and I turn to see him lift it off the bedside table. He stares down at it and I catch a glimpse at the screen. It’s a message from Slutena.

S: I was wondering if u wanted to do lunch 2day?

I watch his fingers glide over the screen as he responds.

R: Yeah, that sounds good. You pick where and when, I’ll b there.

I turn away, confused by the tiny pang in my chest. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or if I’m just uncomfortable. I’ve been working for Reign for a good few months now, maybe even longer, and it’s the first time Selena has become a real thing. Before that we just spoke of her. I spent most of my time getting other random fucks for him. Having her finally enter the picture is . . . I don’t know.

“I’ll give you a few days then I’ll call you, yeah?” Reign says, getting out of the bed and finding his shirt. “I gotta run.”

“Not even a morning kiss?” I mutter.

He walks over and stops in front of me, capturing my jaw with his hand. “Is that a note of sarcasm I detect?”

I smile up at him. “You’re a cheap, mean date.”

He presses a kiss to my forehead before turning and leaving the room. “Call you later, babe.”

“Yeah,” I murmur. “Later.”


“So you met her?” Autumn asks, skipping along beside me as we near our local club.

“For a moment. She was so damned perfect, A, I swear. It was rude.”

She chuckles, flicking her curled hair over her shoulder so it trails down her back.

“The perfect ones are always assholes.”

“You’re right about that,” I agree. “No doubt Reign is banging the absolute shit out of her right now—or at least, he’s wishing he was.”

Autumn chuckles. “Such a man whore.”

We reach the line and my phone buzzes in my purse. I reach down and pull it out, staring down at Xander’s number. I wonder what he wants?

X: R u busy tonight?

T: I’m at a club. Any reason why?

X: I thought we could catch up.

T: To do what . . . become friends? Are you trying to be my friend Xander?

X: Ha ha. Yeah, friends. Keen?

T: Sure, meet me at the club.

X: Which one?

T: North side.

X: Be there soon.

I tuck my phone back in and think about what Reign said about Xander. Man whore. Well, at least I might get laid. I hook my arm through Autumn’s and we move forward in the line. When we reach the beginning of it, I see two big, sexy bikers. One is Spike; the other I haven’t seen before. When Spike sees me, he grins.

“Wingman, good to see you.”

I grin at him. “Hello there, biker. How’s your security work going?”

He shrugs. “Boring. I haven’t thrown out a single fucker yet.”

“It’ll come, don’t you worry.”

He nods to the man next to him. “This is Cade.”


He’s all tall, dark and handsome like Jackson, only his eyes are green and he’s got a bad-boy look. Yum. Autumn mumbles something that sounds a whole lot like “Hello, hot stuff”.

“Ladies,” Cade says, nodding at us.

“This is Reign’s wingman, or lady—he actually pays her to get him laid,” Spike brags.

Cade’s eyebrows shoot up. “No shit?”

“Shit.” I grin. “I’m damn good at it, too.”

“You up for hire?”

Autumn laughs nervously beside me.

“Already asked that,” Spike says. “Boss man say’s she ain’t.”

Cade nods as someone behind us yells, “Hurry the fuck up, you can screw them later.”

Spike’s eyes darken as he looks over to the man who yelled at us. “Calm the fuck down, or I’ll throw your ass out of that line and you can start all over again.”

“Yo, fuck you dude.”

I bite back my grin as Spike storms away from us, and charges towards the man. I turn just in time to see him take hold of his collar and literally launch him onto the sidewalk.

“You ain’t comin’ in tonight, so get the fuck outta here.”

The young man, who must only be about twenty-two, pushes himself to his feet with a growl. “You’ll pay for that, dude.”

Spike grins and it’s almost daring. “I’ll be waiting.”

The young man walks off, and I turn back to Cade. “Well, I guess we better go in before he abuses anyone else.”

Cade grins. “Have fun tonight, ladies.”

Autumn takes my hand and we enter the club. As soon as we are in, she turns to me. “Are those guys bikers?”

I nod. “Yep.”


I laugh. “Yep.”